Welcome to my website!

Heya! 🦊

I thought it was finally time to have a more permanent presence on the internet, what with the volatility of certain big platforms and social media sites. You never know when all your work can suddenly disappear… unless you run your own website, of course!

So, here’s my website! It will contain links to all my work, as well as all my other social media sites. You can use the RSS links in the footer to be updated when I upload new photos or videos.

At the moment I’m using a template I liked, modified to suit my needs, but I realise it’s a little dated and could be better. I’ll think about making a brand new design all by myself at some point, but for now it’ll do!

For the time being, I’m also not hosting full albums or videos on this site. I need to judge how much bandwidth I’ll be using, and I also want to improve the age gating before offering the full albums here. It’s much simpler and safer to offload that responsibility to bigger porn sites for now.

So yeah, it’s fairly barebones at the moment but I’ll be working on it going forward. For now I hope you find it useful and enjoyable!